Saturday, 11 January 2014

A New Year Full of New Things

A few pictures from the last year.

2013 was a bit of a mixed year for me. It was a year of 'endings' really. For a start there was the stress of uni. In April dissertation deadlines were looming and the stress of final exams and assignments was mounting.
Although there were a few stressful moments, my time at university was a great one. I made the choice to move away from home for 3 years, to a place where I knew absolutely no one and had never been before; looking back now I'm not sure how I had the courage. I don't really remember thinking too much about the scary aspects and just focused on the amazing and new opportunities I'd have and I am so glad I did. Even though there were a few ups and downs I did have a great 3 years in Nottingham. I don't think I'll ever forget the friends I made along the way and the adventures I had with them. The first time it actually sunk in that I was moving to a place all on my own, was in the car on my way to move into halls and by then it was too late, I had to jump into the deep end.
So university came to an end in July and I move back home with my parents, now that was a transition. It was quite hard at first adjusting to life back at home and not having the same freedom I had living in Nottingham. At this point I felt like I was in a world of limbo, not too sure where I wanted to go in life and having the pressure to decide and make the right decision. I have to admit I found this quite a hard thing to deal with. Although I now feel like I have things more under control and have more of a direction of where I want to go. 

 I hope that 2014 is a better year, filled with new and exciting opportunities. I haven't made any new year’s resolutions as such but I do have a few goals and things I'd like to happen this year:
1.       Be and feel more positive
2.        Put myself out there more - Just say yes!
3.       Put a foot on the career ladder
4.       Travel more

Thanks for reading :)

Gema xo

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